
Shredded plastics from WEEE (E-Waste) are considered differently in the various EU member states.
As MGG Polymers is based in Austria, the classification of these WEEE plastics must comply at least with the Austrian classification. The European classification of plastics from WEEE from shredding operations is 19 12 04. In Austria the content of plastics and rubbers need to be at least 90 % under which they must be classified as “unlisted” for the Basel and OECD and this implies a requirement for notifications.

Furthermore, the Austrian Competent Authority has defined that the Cenelec Standard (EN50625) value of 2000 ppm Elemental Bromine is used to classify plastics with Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs). 

Provided that the fraction contains over 90 % of plastics and rubbers, the WEEE plastics must contain less than 2 000 ppm of the element Brom to be transported as “green listed wastes”. If the material risks to have a concentration of over 2 000 ppm of the element Brom, a notification is required. 
MGG Polymers has a “pre-consented facility” status in place with which notifications can be applied that have a three-year validity and that should be granted within a short period of time. 
The advantage of a notification is that at least there is no requirement for measurements on the concentration of Brom, nor on the requirement of a quality control procedure for the 90 % of plastics and rubbers. If you need help and support about the notification procedure, please contact us.